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Yoga Classes in the Workplace


from £80


60 - 90 minutes

About the Session

We bring our Yoga classes to benefit you and your colleagues, mixing hatha and ashtanga to create vinyasa flows adapted for all. Yoga is an active way to reset body and mind, reduce anxiety and improve focus. Our Yoga classes improve mental and physical wellness which also boost harmony and performance within your team. Our mission is to bring wellness to the workplace making it more convenient and accessible to fit in your schedule and benefit you and those around you.

Session Benefits

Increased strength, flexibility and mobility
Encourage your body's natural healing process
Improved respiration, energy and vitality
Improved posture and joint health
Boost weight loss
Maintaining a balanced metabolism
Better cardiovascular and circulatory health, including lower blood pressure
Improved athletic performance
Protection from injury
Reduction of stress and anxiety

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